Step 1Of 2

PLEASE NOTE: If you exit the application before clicking ‘SUBMIT’, any information you have already completed will not be received by HCRA.

Please have all supporting documents ready before you begin. Documents can be uploaded on Step 2 of this form.

If you have concerns that a licensed builder or vendor may have breached the Code of Ethics, please complete the form below.

Please note that the HCRA does not have the authority to order a builder to compensate or pay damages to a complainant. These are matters that a new home buyer may wish to discuss with a lawyer.

If you require assistance filling out the form or if you would prefer to complete the form in writing, please email or call 416-487-4272.

If you have concerns about potential defects with your new home, please direct your inquiries to Tarion. For more information on your new home’s warranty and how to submit a claim, please visit or call 1-877-9-TARION (1-877-982-7466).

If you believe that a builder or vendor of a new home is not licensed or has not enrolled a new home with Tarion, please complete this illegal builder complaint form. If you are unsure about the status of a builder or vendor, you can check on the Ontario Builder Directory. The Builder Directory has up-to-date information about all builders and vendors in Ontario. Regardless of licensing status, you may still choose to file a complaint to the HCRA.

It is important that you include as much information as possible to describe your concern. You are also encouraged to attach additional information or documents to support your concern.


You must provide an email to be able to submit this concern.


The complaint is against the following builder or vendor:


Details of the property/home this concern is related to: (if applicable)